Plain Bob Doubles

What’s your after, course and dodge bell?

Your BellYour After BellYour Course BellYour Dodge Bell

Passing the Treble

Place BellPass the TrebleNext WorkNew Place bell
2nd4 - 5Dodge 3 - 4 down4th
4th3 - 4Long 5ths5th
5th2 - 3Dodge 3 - 4 up3rd
3rd1 - 2Make 2nds2nd

What to do at a Bob

Position when the Bob is calledSecond blow at leadFourths place on the way downThirds place on the way up
Fifths place at the start of long fifths
You're about toMake seconds3-4 down dodge3-4 up dodgeunaffected
Do insteadRun outRun inMake the bobunaffected
Do next timeMake seconds3-4 down dodgeMake long fifthsunaffected